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Crashproofing Lives




It’s been a super day for all of us. One of our best students Margarita Starodubtseva has got her P1 driver licence on the first attempt. She drove her manual transmission car at Botany Motor Registry. Her testing officer Daniel was amazed by Margarita’s driving and didn’t have any other choice rather than to put indisputable PASS. Great job Margarita! Welcome to Formula Driving School’s Hall of Fame! All the best to you, drive safely!

Read More Indisputable PASS>


It’s been a lovely day for Formula Driving School and our student Darya Semerenko. Darya has passed her practical driving test on the first attempt at Rockdale RMS today. Well done! Darya practised a lot starting with us from the scratch. We wish you success, prosperity and to be safe on the roads! Welcome to our Hall of Fame! You really deserved it! We will never forget you as you’ve been one of our best students!

Read More Congratulations to Darya Semerenko>


Our heartiest congratulations to Yury Ermolov who has successfully passed his practical driving test on the first attempt at Botany RMS today. It took him just a few driving lessons to prepare for the test and convert his overseas licence  to Australian one. Top of the world job Yury! We wish all the very best to you and your family! Drive safely and welcome to Formula Driving School’s Hall of Fame!

Read More Our congratulations to Yury Ermolov>

Alina (performance 97.1%)
Alina (performance 97.1%)

What a nice day! We are happy to announce a wonderful driving test result. Our student Alina Pall has passed her test on the first attempt at Botany RMS this morning with a remarkable 97.1% mark. Alina has been practicing since November 2014 so it took just two months for her to build up robust driving skills and get ready for her test. It is an amazing performance as she started practicing nearly from the scratch. Alina tried very hard and showed unbelievable willpower and determination! Our congratulations Alina! We wish you to be a safe and happy driver! Have a nice trip to NZ! We will never forget you!

Read More Fair Dinkum, Alina you did a great job!>

shutterstock_192653207-1This 2014 year has been marked by a great amount of passed tests, and a large amount of new students who used the services of Formula Driving School. Together we have focused on our core missions of keys2drive, driving training experience and achieving great results in passing RMS tests. I want to thank everyone who has helped Formula Driving School become a proud, highly rated driving school, those who use our services and those who let us determine their finishing line in passing RMS tests and become safe drivers. However I want to let you all know that Formula Driving School is focusing on some long term projects that have not yet been launched but will be brought alive in the next few years. We are happy to celebrate the fact that each student’s experiences are unique, that their driving school journey provides opportunities to become a successful and safe driver and  more importantly, to have the time to enjoy that learning process. Formula Driving School would like to thank all of its students for your feedback and suggestions. We need to listen to you, our students, and see what parts of that common journey you want us to concentrate on, what you’ve enjoyed the most and what needs to be done in the future. We are continuing to monitor and develop improvements as we know how important this is to you being new road users. Meanwhile, I hope you will all take time to relax over the forthcoming festive period. Some of you might come back in 2015 to refresh your skills, some will refer us to friends and relatives, others will never forget the experience they have gained. We in return promise to keep our services at the same high standard in 2015 and wish you safe driving.

Read More Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!>


Great news from Rockdale RMS! Luis Felipe Teixeira has passed his driving test on the first attempt this afternoon. As a result he has successfully converted his Brazilian driving licence into Australian one. Well done Luis! It didn’t take long time for you to get used to new rules and driving on the left hand side of the road. Fantastic job! All the very best wishes to you and your family! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Read More Go Brazil!>

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